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from js import document, alert
#imported this to create a proxy function that will not execute when the page is loaded
from pyodide import create_proxy
#imported to do maths calculation for curvature
from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt
def button_click(event):
FirstLat = document.getElementById("FirstLat").value
FirstLong= document.getElementById('FirstLong').value
SecLat= document.getElementById('SecLat').value
SecLong= document.getElementById('SecLong').value
# attempt conversion of input and alert if any of them
# aren't valid conversions
first_lat = float(FirstLat)
first_long = float(FirstLong)
sec_lat = float(SecLat)
sec_long = float(SecLong)
except ValueError:
alert("Invalid inputs, please make sure you have valid coordinates input.")
return False
dx = sec_lat - first_lat
dy = sec_long - first_long
dsquared = dx*dx + dy*dy
calculated_distance = dsquared**0.5
# to calculate with curvature using Haversine Formula
first_lat_rad = radians(first_lat)
sec_lat_rad = radians(sec_lat)
first_long_rad = radians(first_long)
sec_long_rad = radians(sec_long)
# Calculating using the Haversine formula
dlon = sec_long_rad - first_long_rad
dlat = sec_lat_rad - first_lat_rad
a = sin(dlat / 2)**2 + cos(first_lat_rad) * cos(sec_lat_rad) * sin(dlon / 2)**2
c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
# We define the radius of the earth in miles
r = 6371
# calculate the result
calculated_distance = c * r
#display the result
document.getElementById("Distance").innerHTML = 'Calculated Distance: ' + str(calculated_distance)
def setup():
# The page is ready, clear the "page loading"
document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = ''
# Create a JsProxy for the callback function
click_proxy = create_proxy(button_click)
# Set the listener to the callback
e = document.getElementById("button")
e.addEventListener("click", click_proxy)