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Calculated Distance Using Haversine Formula

Enter the Latitude of the first point

Enter the Longitude of the first point

Enter the Latitude of the second point

Enter the Longitude of the second point


from js import document, alert #imported this to create a proxy function that will not execute when the page is loaded from pyodide import create_proxy #imported to do maths calculation for curvature from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt def button_click(event): FirstLat = document.getElementById("FirstLat").value FirstLong= document.getElementById('FirstLong').value SecLat= document.getElementById('SecLat').value SecLong= document.getElementById('SecLong').value # attempt conversion of input and alert if any of them # aren't valid conversions try: first_lat = float(FirstLat) first_long = float(FirstLong) sec_lat = float(SecLat) sec_long = float(SecLong) except ValueError: alert("Invalid inputs, please make sure you have valid coordinates input.") return False dx = sec_lat - first_lat dy = sec_long - first_long dsquared = dx*dx + dy*dy calculated_distance = dsquared**0.5 # to calculate with curvature using Haversine Formula first_lat_rad = radians(first_lat) sec_lat_rad = radians(sec_lat) first_long_rad = radians(first_long) sec_long_rad = radians(sec_long) # Calculating using the Haversine formula dlon = sec_long_rad - first_long_rad dlat = sec_lat_rad - first_lat_rad a = sin(dlat / 2)**2 + cos(first_lat_rad) * cos(sec_lat_rad) * sin(dlon / 2)**2 c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) # We define the radius of the earth in miles r = 6371 # calculate the result calculated_distance = c * r #display the result document.getElementById("Distance").innerHTML = 'Calculated Distance: ' + str(calculated_distance) def setup(): # The page is ready, clear the "page loading" document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = '' # Create a JsProxy for the callback function click_proxy = create_proxy(button_click) # Set the listener to the callback e = document.getElementById("button") e.addEventListener("click", click_proxy) setup()

To calculate the distance based on the curvature of the Earth with a UI please click the following link!

Distance Calculator Based on the Curvature of the Earth with User Interface